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The Fibonacci Year

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Today is my birthday. Today marks the start of  my few remaining Fibonacci years. Your birthdays based on the Fibonacci Sequence. Not to be grim or anything, it just reminds me to realize how special this year is. I have to make the most of it.

I have been blessed with many great opportunities…


HAHAHAHA…. Yea, just came back write about the Nexus 4. Well, so much for the afterglow. This year has been good to me; made me realize what’s important to me and who.

It’s not the year I envisioned. But, it is the year I needed.

Year of the Farhan

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This is the year of the Farhan. The year of me. I am returning to my roots. I am returning to the things that ignite my passion. Music, art, & learning.

Let’s start with the fun stuff, music. Those of you that have been to a show with me know that someone/something else emerges. I get enthralled by the rhythm become one with the crowd. At that moment I transcend. I want to capture this energy and use it in other environments.

Art is one of them. Remember my design 100 challenge? Yeah… By going to more shows, I’ll fuel the fire for my art. This year, I’m starting a new.

Finally, I’m going to start learning again. I really haven’t brushed up on my physics or psych & that really irks me.

These past two years, I feel, have been stagnant for me. I have been resting on my laurels. No more. 2011 is the year of the Farhan. See you at the top.

Lost Rant

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Lost Numbers CharactersYup. I have to do it… Question, I will.

Ok, so, tonight we found out that the numbers represented “candidates” that could take over the island once Jacob is gone. We also found out that they are the ones that Jacob touched. It leaves out all that mess about Claire, Christian, & Aaron being a candidate… so far.  I hate Lost. Anyways, what I am trying to get at is, what about Kate? Jacob touched her too! Why isn’t she on the wall? If she is not a candidate, why bring/touch her? Everyone else has a number associated with them.

Why not her?  And who is #42? Is it Jin or Sun?

To answer those two questions, I delved deeper into the mythos behind Jacob. I believe Jacob to be derived from the three most popular monotheistic faiths. The Qur’an says, “He was a man of might and vision.” This is the reason, I believe, that most of the “natives” look to him for instruction. Christianity and Judaism describe him in detail. If you know the story, you too are guessing that the “man in black” is Esau. BOO-YA!!!!! “By your sword you shall live, but your brother you shall serve; yet it shall be that when you are aggrieved, you may cast off his yoke from upon your neck.” Esau “vows” to kill Jacob to be free, but is forbidden to do so!! But we all know this is all too transparent for the writers of LOST. I think that is just half of the story…

Getting back to Kate and Sun & why they can not be candidates. If that, indeed, is the inspiration of character of Jacob; he is a patriarch. Following that logic, Sun & Kate can not be “patriarch;” that simple. Feel free to disagree & shoot holes in my theories.

I’m going to miss this show. All the mythos & philosophies that each person embodies. It’s been a hell of a ride.

THANK YOU to all that have made LOST possible.

Update: So I’m a bit late with this “theory”… It seems as though, it’s common knowledge about the story of Jacob and Esau regarding Lost. Forgive me, I should have googled “who is Jacob” first. But I didn’t! And that is why I love the show! It drove me to post without googling! I will miss you Lost.

P.S. Wikipedia sucks as a Lost knowledge hub. Serves me right, should’ve gone to lostpedia.

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